Nanobubble Technology
AquaPro Solutions is the first company in Singapore to develop & manufacture the Nanobubble Generator machine. We are among the few pioneers in this technology to claim the mastering of the technique and invested long hour of research, development, modeling, prototyping, experimenting, carrying out field trials, test-bedding and arriving in today stage of making it into a marketable product.
AquaPro Solutions has also developed a Nano-Ozone Bubble Generator (NBG). With the unique properties of nanobubbles, the dosage of ozone significantly reduces and still effectively inactivates the microorganisms. In addition, Ozone in aqueous solutions auto-decomposes rapidly to produce oxygen and leave no harmful residues.
In 2023 AquaPro Solutions, a leading provider of innovative water treatment solutions, has launched the groundbreaking UCT System. Designed to address the specific needs of the CNC machining industry, this system utilizes a combination of Ozonation and nanobubble technologies to treat used coolant, enabling its safe and efficient reuse in CNC machines.
The UCT System leverages ozonation, a powerful oxidation process, to effectively remove contaminants, bacteria, and foul odors from the used coolant. Ozone, a highly reactive form of oxygen, acts as a potent disinfectant and oxidizing agent, breaking down organic compounds and eliminating pathogens present in the coolant. This ensures that the treated coolant meets high-quality standards and provides a clean and safe environment for CNC machining operations.
In addition to Ozonation, the UCT System incorporates nanobubble technology, harnessing the unique properties of nanoscale bubbles to enhance the treatment process. The nanobubbles generated by AquaPro Solutions' proprietary Nanobubble Generator provide increased surface area, promoting efficient mass transfer and improved oxygenation of the coolant. This leads to enhanced performance and stability of the coolant, resulting in optimized CNC machine operation and extended tool life.
Nanobubbles Properties
Aquapro Solutions method of generating nanobubbles have a mean diameter of less than 200nm. Bubble in this size are negatively charged and remain in the water for a long period of time. It does not burst and their movement are subjected to Brownian motion. They remain stable in water for a long time because of their negatively charged surface (zeta potential).
The surface area of nanobubble is considerably large, with super gas dissolving capacity, the concentration of dissolved oxygen carried by nanobubbles can reach to saturation concentration. (6 times more effective in Oxygen transfer compared to Aeration )

What can Nanobubbles do?
Nanobubbles provides high concentrations of reactive oxidants to participate oxidative degradation reaction and reduces the BOD, COD, ammonia, nitrate and fecal coliform, thus improving water quality indices such as the dissolved oxygen of water. At the same time organic silt are oxidized and decomposed, thereby removing the water body odor, optimization color, improve water quality and transparency for water body restoration. It also provide oxygen to a variety of aquatic animal in respiration, promoting new aquatic ecosystem restoration and reconstruction. Finally, it also improve the self-purification capacity and self-sustainability of water in effectively control total pollutants.
Summary of benefits
It helps decrease Ammonia, COD & BOD
It helps Plankton, Aerobic Microbes to Grow
It kills Anaerobic Bacteria and other microbes
It improves the structure of the roots which in turn allows for better nutrient uptake and transpiration
Oxygen nanobubble-enriched water prevents root asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen in the media or substrate.
Increased oxygen in the root zone activates/increases beneficial bacteria that suppress pathogens and enhance the conversion of ammonia to nitrate
Increased yields of plants & fishes by about 10%-30%, driven by higher dissolved oxygen levels and nutrient absorption